
學會優勢:風水, 命理(八字/斗數), 陰盤/陽盤奇門遁甲, 大卦風水,易經數字論命, 武術等等:


把握現有契機報到你的課程,享受終生!(Grasp this opportunity to register your course and enjoy for a lifetime! )

查詢 (Enquiry):(852-6808-7258 Jon/[email protected] 

報名三個步驟 [3 steps to register course(s)]

1.按[立即報名](課程,姓名及聯絡資料)      /    Click below (fill in your course(s), name & contact information).  

2(i).本地同學 {A/B/C} / {Local Student choose {A/B/C} to pay}

whatsapp (+852) 6364 9834 

[email protected]   [一天內回覆/Reply in 1 day]

3.  [完成報名 / click below to complete your registration]

regis     (完成報名 / Completed)

2(ii).  Overseas Student: pay Credit Card/PayPal

PayPal- 交易費率
本地交易小額付款5.00% + 小額付款固定費用
其他交易海外小額付款6.00% + 小額付款固定費用
適用於數位產品的其他交易小額付款6.00% + 小額付款固定費用

信用卡付款的同學要注意 (學費x1.05; 信用卡收5 %手續費)  https://paypal.me/Diu

3.(完成報名/click below to complete your registration)

Registation:(完成報名 /completed)

Note: either enter one of our email in PayPal will be OK.

[email protected]  or  [email protected] 

各相關途徑{A/B/C}繳費,保存收條正本以作紀錄/(Various Payment {A/B/C} channels & your receipt for records):

A. Bank (ATM)   /    (支票機 /Bank Check Machine):

Banks / 銀行:

(渣打銀行/SC.com ATM transfer)

渣打銀行/SC.com:  ATM或支票機


Accounts # / 帳號:

33889591491 (HK$/CNY/US$) 012-875-2-146428-3 012-811-1-000277-1
ATM Transfer / 轉數: Diu Chin Kee 古學今用學會

Diu Chin Kee

存入支票機 Diu Chin Kee 古學今用學會

Diu Chin Kee

B.  Internet Banking/網上銀行支付

C. Mobile Payment/移動支付:      [Alipay HK  / WeChat pay HK / payme.hsbc ]

Scan related QR code below): Mobile phone (852)68087258 (Diu Chin Kee)

Faster Payment System(FPS):

FPS ID is 5462783 

Alipay HK (HK $) Wechat pay HK (HK$)

or WeChat (Rmb  )

Send Money Worldwide :
(almost any bank account)
      Better FX rates / 55 currencies/ 24/7 support
2.  https://www.xoom.com/
     Send money abroad with Xoom /
3. PayPal QR code:
     or https://paypal.me/Diu
Alipay HK

Alipay China [Rmb ¥ QR code}


HK$ QR code  wechatpayHK1Versus

Rmb ¥ QR code